Playing the old games and realizing how little this offers is crazy
Picked up the ps3 games again just to have something to do and holy shit it really puts this game into perspective.
Fucking ultimate tenkaichi, that horrible rock paper scissors game has costumes and stages you can wish for from shenron that aren't even if this game.
The glacier and the lookout are the first two stages you can wish for, for free, in this shitty ass DB game on ps3.
Raging blasts story mode alone was about 3 times longer and had double the what ifs, with voiced cutscenes.
That's just the tip of the iceberg, I haven't even gotten into the other modes and the unlockables.
It's just really a shame that the same core company went from offering what they did on the ps3 to this beautiful, fun, barebones experience we have now.
I recommend anyone whose interested in really getting a good grasp of what we've lost to pop in literally any of their other dragonball games.