Sylas jungle ideas nashors

Hey just got back into leauge against my better judgement and been toying around with a variety of sylas in any lane I can. Tried conquerors ap bruiser sylas which wasn't too bad alot of healing and dashing around but not alot of damage to actually end threats. Recently in all my testing in jungle i've come across the idea of nashors rush with 2 points q at lvl 4 into normal leveling (w>e>q)atleast to me lich seems kinda counter productive since by the time you close in and use all spells you get 1 lich proc as opposed to the consistent output and jungle clearing of nashors the main idea was most of your damage is you constantly weaving AA between your spells. Then going into either shadowflame/stormsurge second then adapting to what the enemy has/doing with usually conqueror/dark harvest depending on how tanky the enemy team. I know this sounds odd but it just feel more satisfying and consistent then the feast or famine 1 shot or im dead build with Dark harvest stormsurge>shadowflame>rabadons. it's been really working out at least at my lower elo and was wondering what you all think or any input would be nice and appreciated!