numerous, very long audiobooks

Hi reddit! I have the world's most boring office job that requires basically zero brainpower, and I need audiobooks to cope. The current issue is that I'm running out of things to listen to, especially really meaty texts that will keep me busy, most books have only taken me a day or two since I like to listen between 1.5 and 2x speed. I'm open to pretty much anything, so long as it's not overly NSFW and is popular enough to be carried by a large library system.

I can link my goodreads, but the gist of it is that I prefer fantasy, romance, and sci fi, preferably with cool female characters I can get attached to while I dissociate my way through the work day. At the moment I'm listening to a LOT of Brandon Sanderson since the Stormlight Archives books are long enough to keep me busy for a week. Please help a girl out, I need something to distract myself while I move pieces of paper around for 40 hours a week.