Wizard and Glass had no right being that good

I just finished wizard and glass, and man. It literally felt like I was watching a movie in my head. It REALLY picked up in that second half, and all the tension and build-up paid off. Cried like a BABY when Susan was burned at the bonfire. I literally wanted to kill Aunt Cord, and the whole scene was very similar to how Shirley Jackson’s “the lottery” made me feel. I got so absorbed in Mejis that I was almost sad to rejoin Roland’s current ka-tet, but as soon as I got back to Susannah and Jake and Eddie and my baby (Oy) I remembered how much I loved all of them and was so happy to be back with them. The wizard of Oz stuff at the end was also SO fun!

That book was a freaking MASTERPIECE. Easiest five stars I’ve ever given