Odo and Kira's discussion on an upcoming Bajoran Election (DS9 S03E24)
I thought about just posting a link, but I want to make sure my intent isn't misunderstood before I do.
As we all know, when it's at its best Science Fiction holds a mirror up to social issues. Sometimes those issues are timeless, like the one Odo and Kira are seen in this clip discussing. It aired some 25 years ago but remains relevant basically every four years. For some people, it's relevant now. For others, it was relevant ~4 years ago, etc.
The very core of Star Trek is holding up that mirror. Sometimes it does it subtly, sometimes it's like a brick in the face, but it always does it and that's one of the reasons I love it so much. It's never afraid to talk about things.
My point is, it doesn't matter when this clip is relevant for you personally...just that it is still relevant.
I'm interested in hearing what other Trek messages you found particularly poignant for you. Do you have memorable ones, or is it just a general overall feeling of hope?