
Kia Ora whanau 😌🌸

I think I’m in love? I haven’t dated in a couple of years following a toxic long term relationship.

I haven’t been attracted to anyone since my last relationship, it’s a wild ride of new/resurfaced emotions and pathways… I’m feeling overwhelmed!

I’m in a place where I’m at peace. I know who I am, I’m an open hearted soul, awakening and growing in my spirituality every day 😌

The universe has brought this beautiful man into my experience, he’s wonderful. He would be a lovely addition to my experience.

Things are moving slowly, in my past relationships both of my partners moved in with me within a couple weeks, it was unhealthy. I’m not used to an organic natural progression.

I’m having a hard time not following old pathways of self doubt and attachment. I find my mind fixating on the idea of having him in my life, what will the future look like, does it all fit into the goals I have for my future. I catch it trying to figure it all out, the mind wants to control the situation… but I feel in my heart that he has been brought into my life for a reason and my heart knows it will all flow naturally as it should, if it should.

I am grateful that I get to experience these emotions and I am here to experience it all! Although it is a challenge to stay centered through it !

I must let go and trust the universe has a plan.

I hope that makes sense, If anyone has any words of wisdom! I’d greatly appreciate it 🩷🌸

Thankyou! 😇