Sleep-trained but back to early wake ups
We sleep trained a while ago (Ferber) and for the past couple of weeks my 9 month old’s sleep has been great (sleeping from 8pm to 7/7:30 with no wake ups). For the past 3 nights though, she has been waking up every single morning between 4:30 and 5:30, super fussy and up for the day.
I’ve tried giving her a bottle but she still won’t go back down. She isn’t teething, and actually in the past when she was teething it didn’t affect her night sleep at all. She isn’t sick either. We haven’t changed anything in her routine. Those extremely early wake ups are messing up our daytime schedule, and she’s also much fussier because she’s tired all the time.
Here is what our usual schedule looks like (before she started waking up super early):
Wake up: 7:15-7:30 First nap: around 10:30 (30-60min) Second nap: 3.5h hours after wake up from first nap (length: 30min-1.5h, depending on the first nap) Bed time: 8pm
So this schedule has worked great, and now she is back to waking up super early. She’s def still tired in the morning but just won’t go back down. We’ve tried giving a bottle, letting her cry for a couple minutes, Ferber check ins, holding her. She just gets angrier and angrier if we don’t get her up.
Advice anyone? Thanks