"Ideal Life" seems to always be defined by things

Does anyone else notice how when someone answers "what is your dream life" or "ideal life" they always reply with some 'thing'. Aka my ideal life is to live in the countryside and be surrounded by nature, or to travel the world, or to have a specific lifestyle that is defined by a 'thing'? Thing I'm defining as either a material object, or some 'thing' to do such as traveling, or gardening, or anything of the sort. I never ever hear anyone reply with the feelings they want to fill themselves with.

To me, the ideal life would be totally defined by the feelings I want such as I want to feel a sense of community, I want to be happy, I want to feel what it feels like to just explore and accomplish something new, etc.

I find that when you frame it based on the feelings you want to fill yourself with you can realize how much of those feelings you already have in your day to day life without changing a single thing. For me though, I want to feel what it's like to explore more, which could be travel, it could be more hiking, trying a marathon, or something else I haven't thought of yet. But if I defined my ideal life by 'things' and then I achieved that 'thing' and it didn't produce the underlying feeling I was subconsciously thinking of when I said it, I might feel defeated. Instead, if I'm searching for a feeling and trying one 'thing' didn't give me that feeling, I can keep exploring and evolving however I please. I could be wrong but it was just a thought from a trend I've noticed lately.