Something I've noticed about people who hate sex in films/tv
The people who complain about there being "too much sex" in films and tv and that it's "forced in" and say that sexuality needs to be reduced almost never have problems with drugs or violence in movies or tv. This is weird because at least the parents and the prudes back in day were against the whole package sex,drugs,violence and swearing too but this new strain of rhetoric still has an intense hate of sex in media but doesn't have any smoke for the other two. So two characters being intimate is bad, even though that's something 90% of people do unless they have a disorder, but Deadpool impaling people with metal rods and tearing through human bodies is fine? And showing people snorting coke is fine? Mind you I don't have a problem with any of this stuff but it's weird how these guys just focus on sex but not these other ones, like if they're gonna be prudes at least go all the way. Is there a reason for this? Is sex in their minds just more intense than indulgent violence and drug use, like it feels too real to them? Discuss in the comments.