Why you shouldn't follow up after an Interview

Not a very popular opinion but let's be honest, following up doesn't really make sense after an Interview (if you don't hear back). Assuming recruiter is a grown up. There is very little chance that he/she somehow lost your application and needs to be reminded of your existence. They CHOSE to GHOST you and that too for a good reason. Possibly, they have already selected a candidate and he/she is their first choice or you're one of their backup candidates. Yet your following up most likely puts you in the "despo" category. Ever used a dating app, there are some text buddies that girls tend to keep on the side, they only chat with them when they are bored. Or when the guy they're into is not responding. That's "YOU"! So for next time, respect yourself and stop following up when you hear crickets or when you're ghosted. Ghost them back folks! And keep applying, if they're interested or if they see value in you, they will get in touch. All the best!