Need advice

Hi everyone. Apologies in advance if this reads a bit all over the place, this situation is very stressful and we don’t know what to do. Any advice or knowledge on the laws will be highly appreciated. I am from Vic however I need advice for an issue happening in Queensland. I’m having a lot of trouble finding solid answers online. I am supporting my close friend (also in Vic) who’s 11 year old niece ran away from home (the niece lives in Queensland with her family).

What happened: My friends niece, who I’ll refer to as Faith (not her real name) ran away from her family home today. It is believed Faith is with her 16 year old drug dealing boyfriend. My friend has said that Faith has been sexually assaulted (again she’s only 11) and groomed by this boy. The police have been contacted numerous times and have said they can’t do anything.

Later this afternoon Faith was found at this random house. She also made a statement to police that her parents beat her. So when her parents went to the house to pick her up, police said they cannot take her. I don’t know what Queensland’s child protective services are called but there are no orders on the parents nor have ever been. It’s believed she has been coerced into making a false claim by the boyfriend.

Kids helpline has been called and the police multiple times to try and bring Faith back home or to take her to a hospital for a stay due to severe mental ill health, self harm and suicidal ideation. Apparently no one at all can help! Google says the age of consent is 16 in Queensland, does anyone know what this means for a sexual relationship between a 16 year old and an 11 year old? Can the police really just do absolutely nothing? What are the options on going forward here? I know in Victoria we have The Orange Door, is there something similar in Queensland? If you’ve read this far thank you!