The situation in Punjab is sad and its unfortunate that no one is taking responsibility to fix this.

Seems like most people in this sub live abroad but I'm visiting right now and the stories I hear are pretty horrifying. First of all, most kids from well-enough families are abroad and it's just parents who are living in big houses and I don't blame them.

Safety is a huge concern, Every night, something gets stolen from someone's house in our village. last night, they stole someone's door(an iron front door). You cannot walk from one village to another in the evening/night without getting mugged.

Everyone has a close relative who died from an overdose. It is everywhere and is ruining a generation & families.

Corruption has always been here, so it's not something which bothered me, but what is the point of having free buses for women when they can't even get to the bus safely?

I love those videos where people talk about earning money abroad and coming back to our homeland. I know some people who have plans to do this eventually but I feel like the way things are going, that just won't be possible.

this is just a rant I guess because I don't think anything is changing anytime soon for the better and there is no solution for this anymore. everyone is involved but no one is responsible.