Five hour update assembly of MK4s
So far so good. I needed a few tools they don’t mention. Hemostats for gripping and pushing small nuts. A small plastic face hammer to finish putting the X covers in place. Just a few taps will do yah. A small straight edge vs using an Allen wrench. Xacto knife to open up a couple of too tight openings. A large bag of gummies. The included bag is completely inadequate;). I am impressed with how good the directions are. I did get a plastic organizer for all the screws and such for 5 bucks. I use them for watch parts so I had a few extras.
So far so good. I needed a few tools they don’t mention. Hemostats for gripping and pushing small nuts. A small plastic face hammer to finish putting the X covers in place. Just a few taps will do yah. A small straight edge vs using an Allen wrench. Xacto knife to open up a couple of too tight openings. A large bag of gummies. The included bag is completely inadequate;). I am impressed with how good the directions are. I did get a plastic organizer for all the screws and such for 5 bucks. I use them for watch parts so I had a few extras.