My experience “getting” a GT3RS
I say “getting” because I don’t technically have an allocation, but I’ve been promised the next one. Let me explain the story and you can determine for yourself if I’m actually getting the car.
I’ve never owned/leased a Porsche
I’ve never been enamored with the 911 but when I saw the 992 GT3RS I fell in love. Then my financial situation improved drastically and wife agreed to it so I began my search. My prereqs were PTS and Euro delivery. My good friend helped me and we contacted dealerships all over the country and brokers. I had a deal on the table with one dealership 4 hours for me for 70k over, non PTS, non Euro delivery. Initially it was 60k over confirmed from the director of new car sales that I met via a friend of a friend, he was super nice and called me that his boss (his only boss, the general manager) got offered 70k over and if I could match that, the car would be mine. I woulda pulled the trigger at 60k but at 70k I decided to hold out for my ideal PTS and Euro Delivery.
I got in contact with a broker who asked for 80k on top and he could do PTS and Euro delivery. I was ready to pull the trigger and asked how that 80k is split up. The broker said 15k to me and 65 adm. I slept on it. Ultimately I could not stomach paying one person 15 THOUSAND dollars for making a phone call or two. I’m a fucking ER doctor and it would take me several days to make that so I just couldn’t.
Remember my friend from earlier, well he contacted a Porsche dealership in the south, (actually 4 hours from my home) and he was told PTS, Euro Delivery, 75k over. I didn’t hear back from other people so I told my buddy I’ll take this deal. The only catch is that they sold their April allocation and I will have to wait for their next one, but whenever that comes, May, June whenever, it’s mine. When I asked my friend why they are willing to deal with non local clients, he said they told him “call It southern hospitality” (I live one state over)
I told this dealership that I’m taking my one off day in the week, renting a car and driving 4 hours to meet them and shake their hands. The salesman response was “We love that. Can’t wait to meet you.”
So I drove the 4 hours, stopped by a local bakery 5 Minutes from the dealership and bought >$100 worth of cupcakes and cheesecake for the entire dealership. I met the salesman and the new car sales director, we sat in the showroom and we built the car for about an hour, they submitted it to Porsche via their system as a build request. Then they showed me the allocation table. There was a box for April, but nothing after that. I was told that “we are 100% we are getting another one, we just don’t know when but when a new box appears in this table, we will call you for a deposit”
I met the owner, thanked them for their service and drove back home.
Since then other dealerships that I was waiting on have gotten back to me, I told them this story and they said “You don’t have a car” “I’ve heard this before” “I know someone who got burned with this exact scenario”
However, I believe in the guys at my Porsche dealership and I trust in the handshake we did. I have since called them back saying other Porsche dealerships are saying I’m not getting the car. my salesman told me not to worry, the car is mine, they have had to turn down 3 people already because that car is spoken for.
I believe the car is mine. The “southern hospitality” line has really stuck with me.
I told them I live 4 hours away and I’m coming in on my one off day for a handshake deal. If I just showed up without telling them, I wouldn’t hold them to anything, but they knew I was really going out of my way and sacrificing an entire day, I believe even the Most villainous person would not let someone do that if they weren’t going to get what they came for.
Also my good friend from residency who has bought a ton of Porsches said that whenever a dealer has submitted a customer build request before an allocation, he gets the car.
So what do you think? Am I getting the car? Or am I going to get fucked?
Also buy RCAT, it’s going to the moon this year.
TLDR: Southern hospitality handshake deal says I’m getting next gt3rs allocation. Men shook hands. If that still means something, I’m getting a GT3RS with no prior buying history, PTS, Euro Delivery for 75k over, but I still have a sliver of doubt I’m getting the car.