There really should be a toggle for most tops and bottoms to decide if we wanted things to be tucked in vs untucked. I can’t tell you how many times an outfit could have looked so much cooler/cuter/better/etc with the option.
Like I’ll want to pair a certain top with certain bottoms but the top doesn’t tuck in and covers the waistband/top part of the pants - which is fine sometimes unless it’s a really cool, detailed waistband or something that I want to show off - so you have to pick the lesser of the evil and either cover it or choose another top and suddenly the cool outfit you envisioned is out the window lol
Or! Vice versa! There are so many tops where the lower portions have specific details, whether it be cut a certain way, have dangling parts or ribbons, etc and I’ll think oh this would look cute with X pants and suddenly you lose the details of the top bc it automatically tucks into said pants 😭
Okay, probably a stupid rant that has been talked about before but had to get it out of my head 🫶🏻