How can I save money living paycheck to paycheck with debt, I’ll take any advice I can get
25m, I live alone, I net $2600 a month Here’s my monthly budget breakdown
Rent $1100
Utilities average $350 (higher in the winter)
Phone $128
Internet $91
Subscriptions (ring, Apple Music, iCloud, Amazon, Crunchyroll) $55 total
Snap On payments (unfortunately) $106
I have two credit cards with minimum payments of $206 and $25 (about $7000 in cc debt)
I spend about $35-60 in medications and copays a month
Usually spend $60-90 in gas just going to and from work (I drive an old Corolla)
This usually leaves me with around $400 a month, and with biweekly pay that’s like maybe $150-200 each paycheck
I’m really struggling here, I only recently found myself living alone after a breakup and I can’t find a room mate because I live in a one bedroom house, so that’s not really an option. There is a loft but nobody wants to rent it out because of the lack of privacy, and I’m not too sure of the legality of it either.
I would really like to save as much as I can because currently I have $0 in savings, and I am not planning on renewing my lease next year and I’m gonna need to have something saved up just to get out.
Update: i found a roommate who is paying $500 a month and splitting utilities/internet with me and im putting that towards my debt, I also started working 10 hours of overtime a week at my job (the max I can get). thank you everyone who took the time to comment and leave advice/encouragement