How to stop teaming on solo servers (idea)

So we all know that people are abusing solo servers, and forming groups that simply aren't teamed, just like mega packs do on normal servers. I have a thought.

What if you could hang out with another dino peacefully all you want, to keep things from getting boring. When a fight starts, you need to separate. A possible game mechanic they could add to solos is; "near combat" debuff.

When 2 dinos within a certain range of you both enter combat (to avoid ai combat causing issues, it has to be 2) you get a visual debuff starting, just like hunker for ano has a visual timer buff. You have a few seconds to get a certain distance away (close enough to watch from a distance, but far enough you're not interfering).

This debuff would absolutely TANK your offensive abilities. Like, make your CW into -100 for calculating damage. Also disable secondary effects like bleed, poisons, heals, etc.

I know what you're thinking, this is going to encourage players to change targets to the debuffed dino. I thought of that! While you have the combat debuff, you ALSO get a defense buff. A massive one. Turns you into a rock.Could this be abused to carebear? Sure. But, the attacker can use your carebear brick to their advantage as well with decent maneuvering skills.

Please discuss, do you like the idea? Can you think of exploits that would break this idea? Do you have a better idea? Are you one of the ones that abuses solo servers and hate this idea? Rather than simply downvoting, please tell us WHY you downvote, and offer alternatives if possible.