The Reality of Outdoor Cats

I live in the country outside of Ottawa, where people assume that if they dump their cat or kittens they were magically survive in the wild because they are cats and cats can hunt right?

The reality is,that most of these cats

1.Get hit by cars

2.Get taken by predators

3.Freeze or starve to death.

I have two ferals, both males and at one point they were someone's pets.

They most likely at one time had a warm safe home, food to eat and perhaps someone loved them.'

Now they are on my property trying to fend for themselves. Trying to find shelter from the bitter cold and relying on one or two kind people in my village to feed them

I didn't know I was going to have feral cats to care for. I didn't realize that I was going to be caring for someone else's cats. I didn't know that cats were disposable.

I have four of my own, all indoor and they have a good life. They have good food to eat, a warm and safe place to sleep and most of all, my love.

These cats don't. I KNOW they don't want to be outside. I KNOW they want a safe place to sleep so they can actually sleep well without having to worry about predators. I KNOW they want to be loved.I KNOW they want regular meal times.

I have two ferals, but I haven't' seen one of them in 4 days and I am terrified that something bad has happened to him, but I have to face reality, and reality says that outdoor cats cats have a life expectancy of 2-5 years, compared to 12-15 years for indoor cats.

This is due to getting hit by cars, poisoning (from things like antifreeze and herbicide), and predators (such as cougars, snakes, coyotes, wolves, eagles, owls, and hawks)

ALL THIS because a human decided that their cat could survive in the wild.

I had to scramble this year to put up a temporary winter shelter for these two ferals, because I didn't know I would be looking after them. I do now. I spend a decent amount of money buying their dry and wet food and I spend a decent amount of time concerned that they are warm enough or fed enough or that they are even alive!

I am not asking for sympathy or donations. I am only asking that we change our mindset and realize that LIFE, any life is NOT disposable and is worth saving

In November I had put up a huge tarp and covered the floor with straw. I added two heated cat houses and a heated cat pad to each house. I added heated food bowls, and daily I go out and give them fresh wet food to eat and fresh water.

Next year, I will build them a permanent wood structure, heated and insulted because who knows, I might have more cats to care for and I want to be prepared .

Hopefully, next year I will be able to trap one or two and reach out to a local rescue to do TNR.

Hopefully, a rescue reads this and reaches out to me to offer help.

I am just one person, in her 60's in a small Ontario village trying to do what's right.

Trying to give these cats a chance at life, no matter what kind of life it may be.


UPDATE- I left a special treat for HP (house panther)some cat toys and some cat nip

UPDATE EDIT- If just ONE person here could take the time to make an outdoor shelter, then ONE or two cats could be taken care of. I am not asking you to feed them unless you want to. It is not expensive to make a feral/stray cat shelter

Is he pretty?