Why NRIs complaint?
See lot of posts on reddit/YT where there's constant nagging about how bad the west or middle east is/were to them and they faced such and such difficulties.
And I just don't understand why? Myself a beneficiary of working out of India for 20 yrs. And I couldn't be grateful enough for that. Did I had difficulties/things I didn't like ? - hell Yeah! But does it make the overall Gain -ve ? Ofcourse not. I see it as to get something - we shall give up something. That is that. No hard feelings.
Some are more fortunate then us - like people in west or rich people in India. They already have everything - so why should they suffer or let go something? I am with them they don't need to - and can get on with enjoying thier life. And that doesn't give me a right to compare myself (a dirt poor 20 yrs ago) with them - and complain about why I only shall give up on somethings I like.
I, and for that matter many of us didn't had a choice. But to become NRI - to spunoff from generational poverty. And it did delivered - I myself is a millionaire now, like many of us.
People need to be a tad more relax and greatful to what they got rather then what others got and they didn't.