How to Handle Errors in Server Actions?
Hi guys!I keep getting this within my HTML in prod:
javascript:throw new Error('A React form was unexpectedly submitted. If you called form.submit() manually, consider using form.requestSubmit() instead. If you\'re trying to use event.stopPropagation() in a submit event handler, consider also calling event.preventDefault().')
It is within the form element.
I read that it is probably due to the fact that I'm using an hadnler rather than passing the action directly to the form... but then - how am I supposed to handle client-side errors such as toast popup etc.?
Here is my code:
'use client'
export default function MatchingForm(props) {
const { formState, setField, resetForm } = useFormLocalStorage(
// Handles form submission or action
async function handleAction() {
const { errors, pendingRoundtableID } = await submitMatchingForm(
if (errors) {
toast.error(`Something went wrong)
return (
className="max-w-xl mx-auto mt-16 space-y-16 pb-[160px]">
Just to calrify - the action works but it seems wrong to have that code inside the form...