Feeling Unwelcome at My LGS—Not Sure What to Do
I recently moved to a new country from a place where my friends and I primarily played cEDH (Commander at a competitive level). Magic is my main hobby, so I started frequenting the only LGS in my new city. However, most of the people here play very casual, low-power decks, and I’ve been trying my best to fit in.
To accommodate their style, I created a “restriction list” for myself:
- No combos
- No (or minimal) tutors; eventually, I cut tutors entirely
- No positive mana rocks/dorks (except Sol Ring)
- No free spells
- No “salty cards” (based on EDHREC’s salt list)
- No strong draw engines (like Mystic Remora or Rhystic Study)
- Only 2 counterspells (if I’m playing blue)
- Only 2 board wipes
- No land destruction
Despite all these concessions, I still get singled out. A few weeks ago, one person loudly claimed I have a “bad reputation” because I “don’t understand power levels” and refused to play against me—making sure everyone else heard it. That incident upset me enough that I avoided the store for about a month.
When I finally returned, I decided not to bring any of my own decks. Instead, I bought an overpriced precon in-store (120 EUR, collector Energy deck) just to play something obviously casual. I had some fun games—there are still a few people I enjoy playing against—but I could tell tensions were high.
Next, I built a new land-themed deck (using my usual restrictions) and asked the store owner what power level they were playing at. They said, “a little above a precon.” So, I used my actual precon deck from the week before and won twice. I offered to switch to an untested deck—won again. I even asked them to lend me one of their own precons and still ended up winning. The store owner then said, “I’ll be honest, when I saw you, I second-guessed spending my limited free time playing against your ‘unfun’ decks.”
To top it off, during a draft, there’s a player who repeatedly tries to accuse me whenever something goes wrong at the table—despite me being transparent about my picks.
I went home feeling worse than when I arrived. I spent money and time brewing these toned-down decks, only for it to end like this. Now, I’m seriously considering not going to this LGS for the remainder of my contract here (another two years) or even selling my collection and quitting altogether.
Has anyone else gone through something similar? How did you handle it? Any advice on how to deal with an environment where you feel unwelcome, despite trying your best to meet everyone’s expectations?
Thanks for reading—I appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you might have.
EDIT: Thank you guys, I read all your comments and I am truly relieved. I think that by the end I just don't fit to that store, I won't blame them. As if it is working for them let it be. I'll try to find another LGS or play spelltable with my old friends. It doesn't worth to keep going to a place where you are unwelcomed. There are players there that are awesome, but the ones (including the store owner) that can ruin the experience. I only play once in the week, it used to be the best day back in my country I won't let them ruin it anymore. Thanks!