What can I do about feeling unfulfilled and bored in life?

I’ll try and be short and sweet. 25F. 2 years into my career being a registered nurse, just got my first apartment with my 10 year boyfriend. Spent most of my youth switching from intense study to partying. Horribly traumatic and intense upbringing. Diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and probably have adhd (although I have recovered from the PTSD I think)… went from drinking 4 beers a day to 1-2 a week. Got hooked on ADHD meds in uni and still have issues with that on and off.

At this point in time my life seems great on paper. I’ve given up partying, and mostly stay home with my boyfriend if I’m not at work. But I have to say - especially late at night I feel such a large void. I don’t feel happy. I feel restless. I never imagined my life to seem so cookie cutter perfect and I actually hate it. I just sleep most of the time because I can’t think of anything better to do. I hate socializing because I feel drained and I know my drinking leads to days of alcohol induced mental issues.

I could go on and on about the details but I think I need advice. What does one do when they feel like they’ve achieved all of the goals they set for themself and just feel empty going forward? I know those goals aren’t super ambitious to most but I came from a really unstable family so it was important for me to build a foundation of security for myself. I don’t know who I am.