Doctor Strange Hero Deck availability

I just recently found out about this game and was able to get Captain America off Amazon for MSRP before he disappeared off amazon completely about a month ago, but was too late for Doctor Strange.

After accidentally ordering a German version off amazon despite the picture being in English, and checking ebay daily for anything close to a reasonable price, looking at various retailers in Europe that had it but wouldn't ship to the US, I found a place in Portugal that had it in stock in English.

Price was 17.95 euros + about little over 6 euros shipping to ship to the Midwest, which worked out to about $26. I ordered it last Wednesday and it came in the post this morning.

So if anyone else is as desperate as I was, you can still find English copies at Gameplay Boardgames out of Portugal.

EDIT: They have increased their price to 29.99 euros since I posted this.