Panic: AMDFramebufferVIB::setPowerState and subsequent crash at every attempt to sleep

I am waking up to a crashed macbook pro 2018 since a week. The error message implies some issue around the additional Radeon graphics card. I am running a Kensington docking station with an external LG 4k display and have zero issues with graphics performance or stability when in use. The system is configured to use the Radeon ("gpuswitch 2"). I have since upgraded to ventura, passed a diagnostics without errors, reinstalled ventura in recovery mode, and tried another docking station. Same issue. Any advice would we appreciated.

full panic string: "macOSPanicString" : "panic(cpu 10 caller 0xffffff801aa29cc1): AMDFramebufferVIB::setPowerState(0xffffff95401b3800 : 0xffffff7fb3358892, 0 -> 1) timed out after 45549 ms u/IOServicePM.cpp:5524

Panicked task 0xffffff9074468670: 305 threads: pid 0: kernel_task

Backtrace (CPU 10), panicked thread: 0xffffff8ba94dfaa0, Frame : Return Address

0xffffffffff7eba30 : 0xffffff801a27fdad \n0xffffffffff7eba80 : 0xffffff801a3e10d6 \n0xffffffffff7ebac0 : 0xffffff801a3d0443 \n0xffffffffff7ebb10 : 0xffffff801a21fa70 \n0xffffffffff7ebb30 : 0xffffff801a28017d \n0xffffffffff7ebc50 : 0xffffff801a27f936 \n0xffffffffff7ebcb0 : 0xffffff801ab15093 \n0xffffffffff7ebda0 : 0xffffff801aa29cc1 \n0xffffffffff7ebe00 : 0xffffff801aa29489 \n0xffffffffff7ebe10 : 0xffffff801aa4383e \n0xffffffffff7ebe50 : 0xffffff801aa282c8 \n0xffffffffff7ebe70 : 0xffffff801a2d2695 \n0xffffffffff7ebee0 : 0xffffff801a2d3762 \n0xffffffffff7ebfa0 : 0xffffff801a21f19e

Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff8ba94dfaa0): kernel_task

Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev

Mac OS version: 21G115

Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Mon Aug 22 20:17:10 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.140.49~2\/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 06A10466-36D7-3A0B-9EE7-A9053A8991A3

KernelCache slide: 0x000000001a000000\nKernelCache base: 0xffffff801a200000\nKernel slide: 0x000000001a010000\nKernel text base: 0xffffff801a210000\n__HIB text base: 0xffffff801a100000

System model name: MacBookPro15,1 (Mac-937A206F2EE63C01)

System shutdown begun: NO

Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 151463242731869

Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano\n Uptime : 0x000089c148c79fc4\n Sleep : 0x000089b2af33f1c6 0x0000000075d06cac 0x000089a53412468c\n Wake : 0x000089b2c80fe764 0x0000000075dfaaf2 0x000089b2c39700a0\nCompressor Info: 3% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 4% of segments limit (OK) with 3 swapfiles and OK swap space\nZone info:\n Zone map: 0xffffff8072389000 - 0xffffffa072389000\n . PGZ : 0xffffff8072389000 - 0xffffff807638a000\n . VM : 0xffffff807638a000 - 0xffffff85426bd000\n . RO : 0xffffff85426bd000 - 0xffffff86dbd23000\n . GEN0 : 0xffffff86dbd23000 - 0xffffff8ba8056000\n . GEN1 : 0xffffff8ba8056000 - 0xffffff9074389000\n . GEN2 : 0xffffff9074389000 - 0xffffff95406bc000\n . GEN3 : 0xffffff95406bc000 - 0xffffff9a0c9ef000\n . DATA : 0xffffff9a0c9ef000 - 0xffffffa072389000\n Metadata: 0xffffffc0f2fd9000 - 0xffffffc112fd9000\n Bitmaps : 0xffffffc112fd9000 - 0xffffffc11efd9000\n\nlast started kext at 44572032631626: u/filesystems.msdosfs\t1.10 (addr 0xffffff7fb36b8000, size 57344)\n