I did a thing

So I built something for UNIX (specifically Linux focused but works on other platforms). I personally think its pretty good, and my friends/coworkers (come beta testers) have also agreed its decent.

I built a website for it and let AI make it "sales-ey". But now what do I do?

How do I sell it?
I mean its one of those things where you start off thinking "if I built it, they'll come" and then you build it and stand wondering when/how/why they are gonna come?

Anyone been in this position before when you've built something that is potentially worth something but you have no idea what to do with it once its built?

I live and breath Linux all day, every day and have done for the better part of 25 years. I build lots of things but rarely do I end up building something that feels worthy of actually being worth something. Now that I have, I don't know what to do with it.