Honest question.
I'm 20 and have been doing some introspective on how I feel about things in life. Seeing how it's on this subreddit it's obvious related to this.
So, I am fine with LGBT. I have friends. I myself am Bisexual but I have noticed that for some reason I get irritated by the way Yaoi + Yuri communities/culture interact online. How they write, their inside jokes and attitude. That type of thing.
What is it? Is it a surface level problem or is it something that runs deeper?
I myself have read and enjoyed some of the medium but I can't figure out what my problem is. They are the only ones that spark this feeling in me, whether it's in the comments for a thing or the contents of a post and how it's interacted with.
Any insight would be appreciated, even some armchair therapy. Since it would help me visualize what could be the reason I feel this, I don't think it's internalized homophobia despite what I've been led to believe.