Upgraded to RP8000 so i could downgrade to the 6000. Kinda...
The RP6000f just arrived, and I really like the size! I originally ordered the 5000 and was super happy with it. Then I got the 8000 for cheap, which I’ll give to my brother, and the R625 for my mom’s house. The 8000 was too big at first, though I warmed up to it. Still, it looks obnoxiously large compared to the 5000. After testing the 8000 for two weeks, I put the 5000 back, and it felt too small. I ordered the 6000 because Crutchfield sent me shipping labels, and the price difference was only $25 per speaker—basically nothing. I really like the 6000, but if I hadn’t gotten the 8000, I’d still be rocking the 5000 and would be 100% happy with it.
I know some of you will say 8000 looks the best.... sure sure... but u gotta be there and see the whole thing together. They are too big for me in that room. I also tested them and set all speakers to "in home reference" (75db) And the 8000 sounded the same as the 5000. Only time i could tell the difference when i was blastink music at 15-20 db higher.