Why do most people in this subreddit have over 500 hours and still can't do basic stuff like Operation Sea Lion?

A lot of you are afraid to lose just one game as Germany, and so you play with cheats, mods, console commands to avoid that feeling of getting crushed.

Just do the run on Regular difficulty with Germany, get crushed, and on the second or third run you'll be doing Operation Sea Lion with no problem. You'll learn 90% of the stuff you need for this game in those playthroughs.

Like what the fuck? I actually get embarrased when I see comments that proud themselves on how many hours they have in the game and still don't comprehend basic stuff.

I sucked hard at the beginning but by the time I had 60-80 hours in the game, I already did the operation Sea Lion and snowballed hard from there with other countries such as France, USA, UK, etc.