If you could add fun little demonic magic powers to any Hellaverse character, what would you add and to who?

I don't want these shows to devolve into fantasy rpg battle shows, them being these grounded stories in Hell is what makes the setting interesting to me, but I will admit a lot of the characters feel like they are just normal people with a few magic tricks rather than demons.

The only time we see Demons do some high-level supernatural shit is Alastor (sometimes), Stolas during Truth Seekers, and Rolando during GhostF**kers

In the second episode that Carnie Imp lit his thumb on fire to light the dollar like a sig, and we know Imps are connected to Wrath. Maybe they can have minor pyrokinesis, like at best they can make a marble-sized fireball or ignite a finger. Imagine Blitz lighting his middle finger on fire and writing "fuck you" in fire.

What are some more TV or Radio powers you could imagine for Vox and Alastor?

I could imagine Zestial having razor web string like Walter's garrot wire from Hellsing

I don't want to make some complex BS magic system with rules and everything, I just want to imagine the characters doing fun magic shit for some fun visuals.