Joint custody hamster?

TLDR: would a monthly 15 minute car ride and alternating enclosures be too stressful for a hamster.

Hi all, I think I know the answer to this but have to ask. My step son (12, extremely responsible. Above average interest in animals) is going to get a hamster for Christmas. I have researched hamster care a ton and will (of course) be helping and guiding. My question is- because my son is only here for a week at a time (we are 50/50 with his mom)- is there a world we're the hamster could have enclosures at both homes? Maybe he wouldn't go back and forth every week, but every month or so? His mom would be on board for this. Let me n ow what you think! It would require a 15 minute car ride for the hammy each way.

And yes- I have read the post on hamsters for kids.