I am genuinely curious about Ethan's "research" process
A number of youtubers and streamers have already debunked a lot of what Ethan put out in his content fake - from extended clips that add more context, to clips directly contradicting Ethan's claims, to actually reading through reputed articles and resources (including the ones Ethan used as headlines) that also contradict Ethan's claims.
However, I do believe Ethan when he passionately says his video was well researched. I mean I believe that //he// believes that. I am just really genuinely curious as to what counts as "well researched" for him.
And in general, setting aside the politics of it all (just for a moment), this video was done in a video essay format. And I watch video essays like it's a full time job, and I just couldn't help but notice how poorly done this one is, from the point of view of clarity and sourcing.