GTA trolls never cease to make me chuckle
GTA trolls always make me chuckle.
Today I'm chilling in a public session when along comes a 1288 guy on a Mk2 with a bountry on him. So he tries to pew pew me from his broomstick whilst I am in an imani car. He then tried to flank me and fails. Then he flit flits to his facility to try and orb me, and again fails as I go into the tunnels... He then puts a bounty on me, of 2k the cheap ass, tried to kick me from the session and then sends a hit squad after me etc....
Seriously makes me smile the lengths these obviously deeply unhappy people will go to. I'm a level 137 and was simply driving around, literally hadn't killed a single person.
I won't name and shame you but if you are here at least know you put a smile on my face with your bumbling ineptitude.
Edit: also a free 1k so cheers