Would you believe me?

Would you believe me if i told you that this is the first Dragonfly/Damselfly pattern I've ever tied? Im impressed too! I styled this one after our most prominent Dragonfly, the "lance tipped darner".
I looked at alot of dragon patterns and while uncorded parapost is probably WAY better for the float, I had these white feathers i wasn't gonna do anything with, about the only thing I wish I would have done differently is the size of hook. Even if it catches one fish I'll be stoked! This thing is just way too big for me to want to lug around in my box all the time lol. Is there really a fly fisherman out there with a case of these damn things? 😳 😆

Also, pay no attention to the Morrish Hopper that says "Eat Me" on its back....