Smear Tests?

Hi all, looking for whatever advice or experiences anyone can give.

I'm waiting to be referred to gyno for suspected endometriosis, but my latest GP visit today (just about the pill and some symptoms i'd been experiencing) had the doctor heavily encourage I undergo a smear test just in case, though she's aware that doesn't pick up endo symptoms.

Aside from it not picking endo up (same for the x-ray and ultrasound I've already underwent), my biggest concern is that the other GP I've seen previously to get on birth control and talk over some side effects with stated that as it's not relevant and I'm not sexually active, a smear test would be a bad idea and just cause unnecessary pain. I'm concerned because the GP I was talking to today (and who was the one who referred me, I've kind of bounced between them) said it can be uncomfortable but is rarely painful, but between the doc actually telling me poking around my cervix is probably going to be a real bad time, and the fact I've asked other people I know who've described it as a horrible experience even though they have no health issues linked to it, it's hard not to feel somewhat skeptical at the insistence that it's a totally fine and dandy procedure.

I have no religious hangups and don't mind stripping down and getting poked at by a medical professional if needs be, I just don't want plastic poked up somewhere I can't even put my own fingers (I don't do tampons either) without discomfort at best (which I did bring up), let alone poking around the active ball of pain I carry around with me that most other people don't. If it was just uncomfortable (like, it feels like everyone and their aunt told me covid tests were horrible, but they were just mildly irritating) it would be one thing, but I'm not eager to put myself in more horrible pain for something unrelated to the condition I'm thought to have and that one doctor has already told me wouldn't help, especially since she said the fact I have autism might make some sensitivities worse. I also can't see how a procedure that requires scraping cells off the cervix wouldn't NOT hurt at the best of times.

Anyway, the doctor today asked that I'd at least give serious consideration to it, which I agreed, which is why I'm asking if anyone else had any experiences or relevant info to share on this? She mentioned wanting to book a double session to have as much time to handle it slowly as possible, and I wouldn't call her callous, but she's very set on this smear test once I stop bleeding. Maybe endo should have made me less of a wuss by now concerning this kind of potential pain but frankly if anything I feel more sensitised at this point. I'm pretty out of my depth so I'd appreciate any help I can get!