Do you actually consider Om as a stoner group?

I have always been a musical omnivore; I listen to any type of music and I have always appreciated those groups that, having their own musical vision, manage to transcend a specific style contaminating it with their influences and tendencies. In this sense, I think Om perfectly embodies this approach. Today I started listening to their entire discography again, but while listening to it I wondered if they can actually be considered a stoner band. Of course, not that it matters, on the contrary; but I wonder if it is only the awareness that the members were in Sleep that leads everyone to make them fall into this genre. From a philosophical and lyrical point of view there are certainly many elements coherent with the stoner culture, but musically they seem very distant to me; even the first two albums that are the closest to the past, do not seem to me to fit exactly with what we normally conceive as stoner. I repeat, not that this is important, but I would like to know the opinion of serial stoner eaters like the users of this sub.