DM is running a module where he says "Spell Scrolls and Books are really hard to come by and integrate" after we started playing instead of before. I'm playing a Scribes Wizard, and this will really hinder me. What's the best way of aasking him to change something so I can play to my best potential?
We are playing Eve of Ruin (no spoilers please) and my DM only just told me after we did the first dungeon that I should stop asking shopkeepers or investigating for spell scrolls, as they are incredibly rare and would be incredibly expensive due to their rarity IF i found a person with one. As I'm playing a Scribes wizard, the wizard solely built around getting as many spells in the spellbook as possible, this is a massive bummer, as it means im not playing my class to the fullest. There are 2 ways I've thought of confronting him if he can modify something so I can actually play the class and I'm not sure what to do.
1: Subclass change. Changing to Abjuration or Evocation instead of Scribes. Wouldn't affect my character massively, and the only scribes feature I use is it's damage-swap, but I only do it for flavour, not function (I don't really use Manifest Mind as I have a familiar) So this is a good option. But I'm not sure if the lack of scribing will still hinder me.
2: Asking for 3 spells per level up, instead of 2. This means I'll get 20 more spells total, but I'm still not sure if that's enough for features like One With the Word or if this'd match a campaign where scrolls can be bought.
I could ask for both, but I feel I'll be denied if I do so. So I'm wondering how I can best phrase it to try and convince him to let me both swap subclass and get the extra spells, but if worst comes to worst and he won't let me, what option would be better? Or is there a 3rd way of going about this?
EDIT: Thanks for the advice. I'm going to stick as Scribes for another session or two, and if I'm really not liking it, I'll ask to swap to Abjuration