Is this lifestyle with young kids a bad idea?

I know this has been asked before, but can this reasonably be done with kids? Where would be the most kid friendly places? I make a decent income, work from home, and I’ve always wanted to try this. But since having a wife and kids I’ve felt like this lifestyle is probably a no go.

Is that true or are any of you guys actively doing this with kids? Also, my wife are wanting more kids. We’d probably come back state side If she got pregnant but would having a baby overseas be an option?

Edit: I made the mistake of asking a question having to do with parenting on the internet. Just to be clear, I was not asking for parenting advice. Nor would I want any parenting advice from random people on here. I was asking about the logistics of taking kids abroad. (Thanks for those who actually gave good insight on that) For some reason people without kids seem to have the most opinions about parenting.