Getting removed from party at end of hordes
This should be something u can report and people get banned for. Blizz your party finder system is a step in the right direction but i should be able to see my recent players and report the leader for kicking me out at 9/10 waves.
EDIT: So this post got some traction which is good because i do hope Blizzard protects the player base who is trying to use social feature properly but I’ll answer some common questions. I have a p182 crushing hands SB from Maxroll, i can clear t4 and have done up to pit 90s. IH is no issue and can clear it easily. I did not click any spires, was not AFK, was blasting mobs and hellbourne like a good soldier. I went into the party and we started the waves normally. At 9/10 waves i was removed in the middle of the fight without cause. I would like to see further implementations from Blizz on their social features because i enjoy party play in games like D2R and now D4 but i admit im mainly a solo player.