"Large Order, Sending another Rider"

A throwback to the days when it was mostly cycle delivery. Anyway accepted a Morrisons "in the sticks" order almost 4 miles away. Get there and the other rider has taken the lot.

In the past you would just drive to the customer anyway but now I've no order to actually scan or photograph, and I'd think it would an inconvenience to knock on the customers door for his two digit code, for an order that has already been fulfilled.

The order was originally for around £7.80 or so (and marginal to do if I'm honest) and I'm left with no alternative but to call rider support who unassign me straight away. I'm pretty sure they used to credit you straight away and pay you part of the order, but no, I'm told I have to make a fee query.

Anyway they paid that out last week. Just £2, for an order that used 8 miles worth of diesel and wasted 20-25 minutes of my time.Didn't even cover my diesel costs, let alone my time, wear and tear and insurance.

So thanks to that other rider, that grabbed the whole order. Scumbag.