Sunfyre is the coolest dragon

Sunfyre kiled Meleys, Greyghost and Moondancer thats three

Balerion as far as we know only killed Quicksilver. Vhager has as many kills as Sunfyre; Meleys, Arrax, and she and Caraxes killed each other. Vermithor only Seasmoke and got killed in the process Seasmoke and Tessarion tag-teamed Vermithor and both died Caraxes only killed Vhagar and died in the process Cannibal only killed eggs and babies. You can argue moon dancer killed sunfyre

Sunfyre kiled Meleys, Greyghost and Moondancer thats three

Balerion as far as we know only killed Quicksilver. Vhager has as many kills as Sunfyre; Meleys, Arrax, and she and Caraxes killed each other. Vermithor only Seasmoke and got killed in the process Seasmoke and Tessarion tag-teamed Vermithor and both died Caraxes only killed Vhagar and died in the process Cannibal only killed eggs and babies. You can argue moon dancer killed sunfyre