Air Force Explorers (AFX)?

If this website is to be believed, then CAP has some competition.

I’ve never met anyone from AFX, but I have heard rumors about them. Their commander’s bio sheet is… interesting, and . It looks like their cadet program is heavily military-oriented (to a much higher extent than CAP), and they claim a high success rate in having its members gain commissions after leaving. They say they have a national presence, and their website shows ambitions of rapid growth, but every story I’ve heard places them at the Air National Guard base in Phoenix and nowhere else. From looking at their website, it seems that they’ve been in operation since at least the early 2000s, and possibly earlier.

Who are these guys? Has anyone here ever met someone in this organization, or been a member? It seems like the kind of thing that would overlap with CAP quite a bit, which makes it weird that I’ve heard so little about them outside of some stories.