Husband won’t let me stop breastfeeding

There are a lot of reasons I want/need to stop and my husband gets so angry when I try to discuss stopping and moving to formula.

I am so stressed at the moment - baby is four months and just wants to go out and experience the world but I’m exhausted and can’t do anything. She’s still waking three/four times a night and I have insomnia on top of that so I’m just lying awake in between waiting for the next wake up.

I’ve had insomnia and suffered with stress and anxiety before and the only thing that helped me is an anti stress supplement from a very reliable brand - Sunday natural. They contain medicinal mushrooms, GABA, ashwaghanda and l-theanine and I took them once while breastfeeding before thinking they might transfer to her, realized and stopped. He said “well you haven’t got brain damage from them, why would she get brain damage?” And suggests I just take them and carry on breastfeeding.

Obviously I am far too nervous to do this and don’t want to risk it so instead I continue to suffer.

I have taken prescription anti anxiety and anti depressants before but they made things worse and he also said I shouldn’t take them while breastfeeding. Double standard much??

Anyway I’m feeling so trapped and controlled. I can’t believe he’s being like this.

I’ve also struggled with supply issues so it’s hit or miss whether there will be milk adding even more stress.

I don’t know what to do. I can’t believe he’s turned out to be so controlling