Peeps clan recruitment

I’m starting an official clan for bar. I’m looking for people who have great character. Being friendly and helpful is of much higher priority to me than skill.

Fill out this form to join.

We have limited positions so sorry ahead of time if you are not chosen

If you are chosen I will contact you on the official BAR Discord server.

Clan rules are

Peeps clan is a professional clan that will work with determined individuals to grow their skills and improve themselves in both gameplay and teamwork.

The very top priority of the clan is to maintain a stellar attitude in all tournaments, tests, conversations, practices, and private engagements with others.

In essence you are to be the cream of the crop in how you treat those around you at all times. You will not just be representing the clan but also me as an individual. Rude/ Unprofessional behavior will be dealt with swiftly and with heavy hand.

  1. Self Control "you carried game and your allies basically threw" Response. We will get them next time 😄

  2. Self Improvement "you have always played this way" Better player suggests changes. Response. Oh, Ill give that a shot.

  3. Responsibility "your lane is collapsing with lower os against you" Ally suggests we look at what went wrong. Response. Good idea I messed up somewhere.

  4. Determination "last 3 games were a loss" Response. Lets try to figure what went wrong and win the next game.

  5. Kindness "High OS play is flaming 17 OS 1 Chev" Response. Back up the 1 Chev friend him and encourage him to improve.

  6. Skill "you just started playing RTS 3 days ago" Response. Gain Experience then join the clan once the basics are grasped

  7. Leadership "team is losing and there doesn't seem to be a way to win" Response. create a plan to win (even if it fails).

  8. Sportsmanship "you win 3 times against the same team" Response. Good job guys! You fought well.

Edit: apparently pausing game to discuss plans is against tos so be aware of that. Game hard and Win big!