Am I supposed to call my mom “Mom?”

So I have always called my mom “Mommy” and my dad “daddy” since I was a kid. I’m 21 now and I guess at some point I was meant to stop doing that? I call my mom Mama sometimes, or Mother if I’m being silly. I even call her her name at times. But I’ve never called her Mom because it feels weird. I have transitioned to mama for most of the time because it seems less… childish? I just was never told when to stop calling my mom “mommy” and my dad died when I was 14 so I feel like I can’t NOT call him “daddy” at this point. I never was given a date or time to say hey don’t do that. I never picked up on any social cues to stop either. Idk. Am I weird. Do any of you say Mommy? Also, I can’t swear around my mom either. Even though she doesn’t care and I’m an adult- it feels weird to go from not swearing to swearing. I’m not sure when or how I’m meant to go about that. I would like to be able to swear because it is harder to censor myself. But I also don’t know how to not censor myself round my mom. Idk maybe I’m crazy. Please help