Ignorant but well intentioned questions regarding lifestyle impact of HRT from a cis man taking testosterone


I'm a cis man in his early 40s who has been getting testosterone pellet injections for the last 2 years. I was recommended this treatment due to lack of energy and diminished libido. When I got my testosterone checked it was pretty low but it's likely always been low. I'm pretty effeminate and always have been. Since starting both my libido and overall energy have notibly increased.

When an AMAB person begins HRT, do they go through what I was feeling? Low libido and energy? I probably don't understand the science of hormones. Like I'm just assuming when you begin taking estrogen your testosterone goes down in response. Maybe that's not the case?

Once your body gets used to the higher levels of estrogen does your sex drive return, just in a different way? How about energy levels?

If i had better options presented to me I probably would have chosen something different. My armpits stink now and I've grown a lot of new body hair since taking testosterone. No like roid rage or anything but I do FEEL different. I liked being effeminate and decided to combat the hair growth with IPL and take supplements to reduce BO.

I ask all this because I am generally curious and would like to be educated but also selfishly... like maybe estrogen based HRT could work for me? I don't want to harm my libido and I don't want to lower my energy levels. I know this sounds like wanting my cake and eating it too.

Any insight here would be very much appreciated.