When should I give the guy I’m dating his birthday gift?

Problem/Goal: I wanna surprise the guy I’m dating on his birthday, but I’m not sure when I can give him his gift since I have a class.

Context: His birthday is on next Saturday (Dec 14), but then I feel like he’s likely going home (in his province) on Friday night, especially since his mom just got home from abroad. I have class ‘til 9pm on Friday, so l won’t be able to see him anymore since he usually travels around 8pm. Unless he suddenly decides to drive back on Saturday morning (he does this sometimes), then I can go to his place after class.

There’s also an option to give it on Wednesday (Dec 11), since we’d certainly see each other for dinner then. Baka yun na lang rin celebration namin? But then it’s kinda too early. Or Sunday night, that’s when he’d be back, which is his after his birthday.

Previous Attempts: Nothing yet. I feel like asking his plans for his birthday would be too suspicious. But it’s almost the only way to know😭