Lentil Ring / Remembrance ring

I recently had my medical abortion at 6 weeks. It’s been the hardest choice I’ve ever made as well as the hardest physical and emotional thing I’ve ever done. I’ll be honest I’m grieving. I am trying to not regret my decision as I know it wasn’t right for me to have a child yet as well as I had lots of complications from the moment I fell pregnant. It seems wasn’t the right time (I’m 25 and have just started my career and don’t have the money to give a child everything and more at the moment).

Is it weird to want to order a remembrance ring? I know it wasn’t a miscarriage and it was my choice to not continue the pregnancy but I feel this is something that will always stick with me.

I don’t know why I’m asking strangers on the internet this. I guess I just want to know I’m not alone?

I don’t want to get the ring either if it’s almost cruel towards those who have actually lost a baby they were planning on having.

My heads just a bit all over tbh.