Non-Scale... Failure
My 14yo son plays in his middle school concert band, and they had their Christmas concert tonight. Being a proud Dad, I was there and at one point before they started, I came up a bit closer to get a candid photo of him and I called his name to get his attention. He turned around and basically shouted at me to stop. So I stopped. Went back to my place and listened to them perform. Afterwards, while they were packing up I went up again to congratulate him. While other kids were hugging and high-fiving their parents, he totally blew me off and walked away from me. Later, I explained how this hurt my feelings and he said he had just been kidding. But I pushed him on it, and pointed out that this was far from the first time he's done it, just the most egregious. I said I think you're embarrassed to have your fat father there trying to be near you, he admitted I was right. Even though I've lost 50 lbs and he's supposedly so super proud of what I've accomplished, when push comes to shove, I'm just a source of embarrassment for him.
Not feeling very good about myself --or him -- right now. Still, tomorrow is a new day, I guess.