First day on 300mg from 150,feeling very weird.
I've been on Wellbutrin 150mg since September of 2023. I've had a lot of success with it. But I felt like I needed to go up to help improve my functioning with ADHD. I take Lexapro (15mg) at night.
I know today is just the first day. But I feel extremely weird. Very loopy,head feels heavy,slight nausea,tired but can't sleep,can't seem to focus on one thing,empty mind,slightly irritable and agitated by small things but also not reacting to them,feeling a little sad too.
I've seen some people say going from 150 to 300 made them more angry. I really hope that doesn't happen to me. I was really excited to go up on this medication to help my adhd symptoms. I'm kind of scared to work tomorrow too. I work an 8 hour shift at a very busy food service job.
Sorry this is long,I'm just feeling very alone right now.
Edit: Update it's Friday 6/14 I took my second dosage today. And I feel surprisingly normal? My head feels a little empty but no nausea,headache,or mood swings/anxiousness so far. It's been two hours so far. I called out of work just in case. If I felt as horrible as I did yesterday there's no way I would have had been able to make it through my shift for how nauseous and moody I was yesterday.
It's noon now and the irritability and internal anger came back. :( I'm finding myself getting annoyed easily and sounding more aggressive than I normally am. And it's making me sad. Irritability passed,now I just don't feel like myself. Nausea and stomach pain came back too,some anxiousness.
6/15-Saturday: I felt more normal but still had some side effects. I was able to work my whole shift. Side effects were suppressed appetite (had to force myself to eat something to have fuel),slight stomach pain,and just general woozy feeling. More energy too.
6/16 Sunday: Felt nearly completely normal,appetite came back some but don't feel the need to constantly snack anymore,and I don't give into food cravings for dopamine release easily anymore.
6/17 Monday: No physical side effects. Some mood swings. Depressive feelings and thoughts creeped back in some. Appetite is normal but less snacking as before
6/18 Tuesday: No physical side effects except for a little heavy feeling in head/vertigo when I was on my lunch break that eventually passed. Depressive feelings from before have come back. Not as loud but definitely present. At the beginning of starting I was feeling more positive and hopeful.