What am I doing wrong?

Everytime when I'm Tig welding my gloves start smoking and my hands feel like they are on fire, no matter how I hold the torch or what gloves I use. It doesn't matter what the metal is or how long or short the weld is.

As far as I know they arnt dipped in acetone or oil as I'm the only "welder" or person in my side of the shop.

Any tips to stop shaking as well or to have nice smooth travel? I feel like I'm getting stuck and dipping the tungsten despite doing many dry runs.

Everytime when I'm Tig welding my gloves start smoking and my hands feel like they are on fire, no matter how I hold the torch or what gloves I use. It doesn't matter what the metal is or how long or short the weld is.

As far as I know they arnt dipped in acetone or oil as I'm the only "welder" or person in my side of the shop.

Any tips to stop shaking as well or to have nice smooth travel? I feel like I'm getting stuck and dipping the tungsten despite doing many dry runs.